Tues, Oct 18. West coast rapper Murs will be performing at Emos in downtown Austin, Texas. Tickets to the show are 10 dollars for general admission, doors open at 9pm, and the show will begin at 10pm. Also, on the bill set to perform at the concert is Big Pooh, Kidz in the Hall, Isaiah, and Chaundon.
If you never been to Emos be prepared to enjoy yourself, this happens to be one of my favorite venues for live shows.
-Sorry i have to make this short, but im still currently on vacation outside of Texas. I'll be back shortly!!
A Good Day To Be Black and Sexy is an independent film that gives us at glimpse at black love and sexuality. The film which is directed and written by the talented D. Dortch has been receiving scores of great reviews from coast to coast. A Good Day To Be Black and Sexy is not schedule to be released until winter of 2008. However, right now you can currently catch a sneak preview of the movie at several different film festivals across the country.
Scheduled Showings are as followed
ANF Film Collective Presents: A Good Day To Be Black And Sexy Cobble Hill Cinema Brooklyn , New York November, 12 2008 @ 7:00pm
Cucalorus Film Festival Wilmington, NC November, 14 2008 @ 7:15pm
Tickets are 10 dollars for each showing.
Please, Please, Please don't miss out on this film. The Texas screening has passed unfortunately, however after speaking with D he was very pleased with the turn out at the Austin Film Festival and amazed at the Alamo Ritz Draft House(gotta love beer and a movie). I'm more than the positive that the film will receive an even greater reception from the public once it is released. I'll be sure to post further updates as far as a release date and the films soundtrack.
South Texas come out and support homegrown HOMEMADEGOODS APPAREL with the release party at Select Footwear this Saturday starting at 5pm.
Don't just come out to "stunt" your flyest SB's, drop a couple of dollars on a tee, and show HMG and SELECT some much needed love to our small sneaker/t shirt/hip hop head community.
Finally, a real hip hop act arrives to the city. San Antonio is usually known for bring god awful artist to the city. I don't know how many times Amanda Perez or even any artist with the name "Young" or "Lil" have performed here. This show is definitely for the backpackers, the underground, and the real hip hop heads. Performances are as followed, Outerspace, Reef The Lost Cauze, and Jedi Mind Tricks headlining this tour. So, this Thursday save your gas money and bring yourself down to the Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar to hear the sounds of Philadelphia. Rock Bottom Tattoo Bar is located one block away from broadway on Ave B, still unsure where Ave B is located? Google maps or Mapquest, take your pick.
Doors open at 8, tickets are priced at $15 dollars the night of the show. Even if you have never heard of any of the artist i suggest you come and just check them out. I'm very familiar with JMT and Reef the Lost Cauze, now Outerspace will be something different for me. Here are a couple of tracks from each artist enjoy!
I would like to thank Shaka for an amazing job he did on the site, thanks once again. Please check out bdklifestyle.com and check out more of his work and clothing!
Yep, Heart of The City is now up and running. I know it took a while but progress is a slow process right? Yeah, enough about that anyway I'm not trying to put things out there like used car sales man, so just check out the blog daily for music, art, events, everything, we gotcha covered.
Oh yeah, one more thing I hope everyone is preparing their trip to D.C. come Jan 20th, right? Obama's inauguration into office is held on that day please come out and watch more history is the making!!!!
If you don't like flying drive your ass there, if you don't have a ride, Greyhound goes everywhere, and if you don't want to do that you better kick push all the way to D.C. Got it?, lol.
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